Introducing Designhubz 2.0: A New Chapter in 3D, Augmented Reality, and Virtual Try-On Technology

We are incredibly excited to announce the relaunch of our Designhubz website and a rejuvenated brand identity that epitomizes our vision and values.

Introducing Designhubz 2.0: A New Chapter in 3D, Augmented Reality, and Virtual Try-On Technology


We are incredibly excited to announce the relaunch of our Designhubz website and a rejuvenated brand identity that epitomizes our vision and values. This blog post aims to give you a comprehensive rundown on what's new and what you can expect from us in the coming months.

What’s New?

A Fresh Identity

The first thing you'll notice is our revamped visual identity. As we continue to innovate and break new grounds in 3D, AR, and Virtual Try-On technology, our brand has evolved to reflect this transformative journey. We believe this new look encapsulates the essence of Designhubz—sophisticated, forward-thinking, and always on the cutting edge.

A Revamped Website

Our new website serves as the epitome of user-friendly navigation and seamless experience. We’ve made sure to design it with you in mind—offering clear paths to explore our cutting-edge services, technologies, and resources.

A Commitment to Quality Content

At Designhubz, we don't just provide a service; we foster a community of knowledge. As part of our commitment to enhancing the industry, we are doubling down on producing high-quality, in-depth content. Here’s a taste of what you can expect:


Learn from our experts as they dissect the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in the 3D and AR landscapes for ecommerce. From data-driven insights to actionable advice, our blog posts will cover it all.


Enhance your skills with step-by-step tutorials aimed at both beginners and experts. We’ll cover topics ranging from effective 3D design workflows to mastering the nuances of 3D digital asset management.


We are launching an all-new webinar series featuring discussions with thought leaders in the industry. These sessions will provide hands-on experiences, deep-dive into technologies, and offer practical solutions to the challenges faced by ecommerce and 3D design professionals.

Stay Tuned

We can't wait to embark on this new journey with our community, clients, and partners. Together, we will continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible in the realms of 3D technology, augmented reality, and virtual try-ons for ecommerce.

Feel free to explore our new website and delve into the resources we’ve already started to roll out. Your support has been our biggest motivator, and we’re excited to share this new chapter with you.

The Designhubz Team

Karen Abou Jaoude

Karen Abou Jaoude

Designhubz Growth Operations Lead